Hanging With Haley: GardeneRx
Welcome to the Community Roots Ohio Blog where we talk about what we're growin' and showin'. We love sharing our passion for all things seeds, soils, gardens, and more! Through our blog, we hope to share all that is happening around our greenhouses and gardens and to inspire one gardener to another. If you're interested in volunteering with us, please check out our volunteer page!
The Benefits of Harvesting Vegetables and Cutting Flowers in the Early Morning
Hangin' With Haley FRIYAYS! Seed Tray Cleaning :)
The Hidden Nutrient Economy: Why Letting Leaves Go Yellow Benefits Your Plants
Your Weekly Digest: Aug 25 - LABOR DAY WEEKEND!
Hanging With Haley & Cover Cropping
Compost Quiz Time!
Cuckoo for Cucamelons!
Hangin' with Haley: What's Growing On?
Markets this week START TONIGHT!
Native Plants: Are You Tired Of Buying Fertilizer For Tomatoes?
Volunteer Hours this Week (7/15-7/20)
BREAKING NEWS! A Special Hangin' With Haley!
#ThrowBackThursday: A Look At Our Growing Field
Hangin' With Haley
Native Plants: Creating A Native Food Forest for Chickens!
Rainy Days are for Research!
Native Plants - "Living Mulch" or Native Groundcovers
Hangin' With Haley!