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Tuesday Native Plants - Butterflies

Yes, finally Tuesday! Angely here and there was so much to pack into one post because I love butterflies! 🦋

🐛Host plants: host caterpillars

🦋 Nectar plants: provide nectar for adult butterflies

Native Host Plants Featured:


- Wild Cherry

- Willow

- Birch

- Tulip Tree

- Ash

- Spicebush

- Pawpaw

- Chokecherry

- Dogwood


- Milkweeds

- Golden Alexander

- New Jersey Tea

- Goldenrods

- Sunflowers

- Blackeyed Susan

- Violets

🌿Non-Native Host Plant Herbs Featured:

- Parsley

- Carrot

- Cilantro

- Celery

- Fennel

- Dill

🍹Native Nectar Sources:

- Purple Coneflower

- Blazing Star

- Goldenrods

- Violets

- Blackeyed Susan

- Asters

- Bee Balms

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